Dr. Bruno Bertrand

  • Address :
    Royal Observatory of Belgium
    Av. Circulaire 3
    B-1180 Brussels
  • Phone : +32-(0)2-3730283
  • Fax : +32-(0)2-3749822
  • bruno.bertrand@oma.be

Dr. Bruno Bertrand obtained a Ph.D in physics at the Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL). He studied the formal links between particles physics and superconductivity for modified theories of electromagnetism. He then made a postdoc about spectral properties of phosphor for white LED and photovoltaic materials. He was also lecturer during seven years in electricity and electromagnetism at ECAM, an engineering school in Brussels where he took part in researches about piezoelectric technology for spatial applications. He is currently responsible for the maintenance and upgrade of the time and frequency laboratory at Royal Observatory of Belgium, where the Belgian realisation of UTC is maintained and diffused. His present researches are in the frame of GNSS Time and Frequency transfer for the Calibration of GNSS stations. He is also currently proceeding to fundamental physics tests using time and GNSS network and more specifically the detection of dark matter.