Dr. Carine Bruyninx

  • Address :
    Royal Observatory of Belgium
    Av. Circulaire 3
    B-1180 Brussels
  • Phone : +32-(0)2-3730292
  • Fax : +32-(0)2-3749822
  • carine.bruyninx@oma.be

Carine Bruyninx manages the GNSS research group at the Royal Observatory of Belgium. As member of the EUREF Governing Board since 1989, she is strongly involved in EUREF activities and more specifically the EUREF Permanent Network (EPN) for which she manages the EPN Central Bureau since 1996. At the IAG level, she chairs sub-commission 1.3 'Regional Reference Frames'. She is also active within the International GNSS Service (IGS). This is reflected by her past membership in the IGS Governing Board, several of the IGS Working Groups as well as the IGS Infrastructure Committee. Today, a large part of her activity focuses on the GNSS component of the European Plate Observing System (EPOS). She chairs its Executive Board and is member of the Consortium Board governing the GNSS component of EPOS. Through her involvement in EUREF, EPOS, and the IGS, she actively stimulates the use of common guidelines and metadata within the different international GNSS networks. Her research activities concentrate on the use of permanent GNSS tracking stations for different types of applications including reference frame maintenance and measurement of long-term ground deformations. C. Bruyninx is also a member of the advisory editorial board of "GPS Solutions".