Dr. Juliette Legrand

  • Address :
    Royal Observatory of Belgium
    Av. Circulaire 3
    B-1180 Brussels
  • Phone : +32-(0)2-3730306
  • Fax : +32-(0)2-3749822
  • juliette.legrand@oma.be

Juliette Legrand received an Master engineer Degree in Land Surveying and Topography (École Supérieure des Géomètres et Topographes, France) and a PhD in Astronomy and Astrophysics (specializing in space geodesy) at Paris Observatory, France, in 2002 and 2007, respectively. Currently, she is a member of the GNSS research group at ROB. Her PhD research topic was on the explicit application of the No-Net-Rotation condition using the ITRF2005 velocity field. Since 2007, she has worked on the reprocessing of the EPN and studies the impact of reference frame definition on regional and global networks. She has experience in GNSS and time series data analysis. She is a member of the IAG Working Group on "Regional Dense Velocity Fields", of the EUREF Working Group on Future Development of ETRS89 and of the EPN Central Bureau.