Dr. Pascale Defraigne

  • Address :
    Royal Observatory of Belgium
    Av. Circulaire 3
    B-1180 Brussels
  • Phone : +32-(0)2-3730260
  • Fax : +32-(0)2-3749822
  • pascale.defraigne@oma.be

Pascale Defraigne got her PhD in Physics at the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium, in 1995, for studies on the deformations of the Earth internal boundaries induced by Mantle density heterogeneities. She then applied her results on modeling of Earth rotation variations (precession, nutation, length of day variations) associated with the internal Earth structure. She is now head of the Time Laboratory at the Royal Observatory of Belgium, where she maintains the belgian realisation of UTC, the basis of Legal Time, and her present researches are in the frame of GNSS Time and Frequency transfer, i.e. the comparison of remote atomic clocks using GNSS measurements. P. Defraigne is President of the Commission 31 "TIME" of the International Astronomical Union, she is member of the Organizing Committee of Division I (Fundamental Astronomy) and of Commission 19 (Earth Rotation), she is also member of the IGS Working Group on 'Clock Products' since 2003. P. Defraigne is furthermore Teaching for Mathematical Astronomy as invited Professor at the UCL.